Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiyat Paper 2023

BISE Rawalpindi Board paper Islamiyat Paper 2023

As a student preparing for the Rawalpindi Board Islamiat Paper 2023, you are likely looking for helpful resources to prepare yourself thoroughly. The Rawalpindi Board is one of the largest educational boards in Pakistan, and the Islamiat paper is an important exam that requires comprehensive preparation. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information to prepare yourself for the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023.

Overview of Bise Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiyat Paper 2023

The Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023 is a two-hour exam that is divided into two parts. The first part comprises objective questions that test your knowledge of the basic concepts of Islam. The second part of the exam consists of subjective questions that require you to demonstrate a deep understanding of Islam and its teachings.

If you are a student studying in the 10th grade in Rawalpindi, then you must be aware of the importance of the board exams. One of the most significant subjects in the examination is Islamiat, which carries great weight. Therefore, it is essential to prepare well for the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023. In this article, we will guide you on how to prepare for the exam and the important topics that you should focus on.

Introduction to Bise Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiyat Paper 2023

The Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023 will test your understanding of the Islamic teachings and the Holy Quran. The paper will consist of both objective and subjective questions, and you will have to attempt all of them. The total marks for the paper will be 75, and you will have three hours to complete it.

Important Topics for Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiyat Paper 2023

To prepare well for the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023, you need to focus on the following important topics:

Quranic Verses

The Quranic verses hold great importance in Islam. You should memorize and understand the meanings of the following Surahs:

  • Surah Al-Baqarah
  • Surah Al-Imran
  • Surah Al-Anfal
  • Surah Al-Tawbah
  • Surah Al-Hujurat
  • Surah Al-Fath


Hadith is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). You should have a good understanding of the following Hadiths:

  • Hadith of Gabriel
  • Hadith of Jibreel
  • Hadith of Bukhari
  • Hadith of Muslim
  • Hadith of Tirmidhi

Islamic History

You should have a good understanding of Islamic history and its impact on the world. You should focus on the following topics:

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • The Rightly Guided Caliphs
  • The Battle of Badr
  • The Battle of Uhud
  • The Battle of Khandaq
  • The Battle of Hunayn

Islamic Beliefs and Practices

Islam is based on certain beliefs and practices that every Muslim should know. You should focus on the following topics:

  • Five pillars of Islam
  • Islamic festivals
  • Importance of Salah
  • Importance of Zakat
  • Importance of Hajj
  • Importance of Sawm

Contemporary Issues

Islam provides guidance for every aspect of life, including contemporary issues. You should focus on the following topics:

  • Importance of unity in Islam
  • Women’s rights in Islam
  • Islam and terrorism
  • Islam and environmentalism

Tips to Prepare for Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiyat Paper 2023

To prepare well for the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023, you should follow the below tips:

Understand the Concepts

It is crucial to understand the concepts of Islamiat rather than just memorizing them. You should read and understand the Quranic verses and Hadiths, and their meanings to have a better understanding of the subject.

Practice Past Papers

Practicing past papers is an excellent way to prepare for the exam. It will help you understand the exam pattern and the types of questions that will be asked in the exam.

Make Notes

Making notes of important concepts, definitions, and topics is a great way to remember them.

Preparation Tips for Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiyat Paper 2023

Here are some helpful tips to help you prepare for the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023:

  1. Create a study schedule: A study schedule is essential for effective preparation. Divide your study time into smaller chunks, and allocate sufficient time for each topic.
  2. Focus on concepts: While preparing for the exam, focus on understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing them. This will help you to answer subjective questions more effectively.
  3. Practice past papers: Practice past papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and the types of questions that are asked.
  4. Revise regularly: Revise regularly to reinforce your learning and ensure that you do not forget important concepts.
  5. Seek help: If you are struggling with any topic, do not hesitate to seek help from your teacher or tutor.


In conclusion, the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023 is an important exam that requires comprehensive preparation. To succeed in the exam, it is essential to focus on the critical topics, create a study schedule, understand the concepts, practice past papers, revise regularly, and seek help when needed. With these tips and your hard work, you can prepare yourself thoroughly and achieve success in the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023.

Frequently asked questions

When will the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023 be held?

The Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023 is usually held in March/April, but the exact date will be announced by the board closer to the exam.

What is the passing criteria for Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023?

o pass the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023, students need to score at least 33% marks in each part (i.e., Part I and Part II) and 45% marks overall.

Are there any tips to improve writing skills for the subjective-type questions in the Rawalpindi Board 10th Class Islamiat Paper 2023?

Yes, students can improve their writing skills by practicing past papers, taking guidance from teachers and mentors, and reading sample answers to get an idea of the expected writing style and format. They should also focus on clarity, coherence, and accuracy in their writing and avoid plagiarism.

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