How to fill out the registration form? If you are a new user, sign up/register for NTS online registration portal. (once only). Once registered, log in to ( and fill your personal information, educational information, and employment information (if any).
How to Register
- The candidate has to register to appear in the respective test as per the NTS™ schedule. The registration process is given below:
- Register at NTS Online Registration Portal (Once only)
- Upload a recent photograph in the NTS Online Registration Portal. – Apply for the latest NAT test in the list of schemes announced in the NTS online registration portal.
- Download NAT Bank Deposit Slip from NTS Online Registration Portal (Bank Deposit Slip is available only on NTS Online Registration Portal)
- Deposit Rs.700/- (Rupees Seven Hundred only) for the NAT test through online bank deposit slip at branches of MCB, Meezan Bank, HBL, or ABL. (See Bank Service Charges on Deposit Slip)
- All candidates are required to provide their photographs with full face exposure.
- Do not send any documents other than the original bank deposit slip.
How to Fill out the Registration Form?
- If you are a new user, sign up/register for NTS online registration portal. (one time only).
- Once registered, log in to ( and fill in your personal information, educational information, and employment information (if any).
- Roll number slips and result cards will be sent through the courier service. Give a correct and clear address where delivery is assured. Candidates have to fill in “Postal Address”, “Postal City” and “Postal City District” in their personal information to get the test roll number slip and result card.
- In the academic record section, write your main subjects and the percentage of secured marks in two digits only. In the column “Board/University” of the education record (please write only the specific name of the board in the short name (eg FBISE Islamabad, BISE Rawalpindi, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Abbottabad, etc.
- Select the desired project to apply for. (i.e. NAT)
- Select your test city to select the desired test center. (Primary Test City and Secondary Test City).
- Incomplete or incorrectly filled registration details will not be processed. Please keep in touch with our website for a list of eligible candidates, the test venue, and all related information:
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